Saturday, 7 January 2012

Day 4 Reflections

        What is the most memorable whole Orientation:

        The most memorable activity was the Badge Ceremony when we went on the stage to receive our SST badges from Mr Chua. It was a great moment for everybody.

       How do you find the whole experience in SST:

      I find the whole experience thoroughly engaging and tiring. Nevertheless, it was really fun. I got to know my classmates better and got to know of some seniors as well. In a nutshell, I had a great time at Orientation.

       What value do you think is the most important in your school life:

        All values are important in school life but if I would name the most important one, it would be responsibility. Every student must have it to literally survive out there. It can range from a small thing like taking care of your teddy bear to big things like handling your own company in the future.

       What are the traits of a SST student:

       First of all a SST student is responsible and follows the 4Rs, 10Cs and 3Es. They should also live up to their given name of young ladies and gentlemen. Well that's all and now lessons will be starting full on. Good Luck to everyone.



Day 3 Reflections

         Pen down a memorable situation where you think you have done well:

         I think we did well during the dry games session in which we collaborated and worked as a real team.  Even the PSLs were really impressed just by seeing us plan out strategies to finish the activities within the given time.

         How you feel about how your class has worked together today:

         Although the day did not start that well during the West Coast Park Race, I felt that at the end of the day that the whole class had really worked as a team to succeed and it was very pleasing to be a part of such a team. I believe that after this motivation we will be able to continue working as a team.

        List 2 strengths and weaknesses of your class:

        Frankly, we do not actually have a real strength but if were to list down to they would be: individual work and leadership. Same for the weakness part, we do not have any but we do have areas to build up on. They would be: planning out strategies and collaborating.

        Through this what are the strengths you are confident about:

        I am confident that we will always be one of the strongest in individual focus, leadership and certainly in time to come our collaboration and planning out strategies.

        What did I learn about myself in the past few days:

        I learnt that I am really quiet and should open up to other people more. I also learnt that I cannot adapt quickly to a new environment as in the start I was having difficulties talking to other people.

       How do I see myself growing and contributing to this community:

       I see myself by slowly coming forward to contribute ideas to my classmates about the 10C's project and giving my point of view during the reflections sessions conducted by the PSLs.




Day 2 Reflections

      What was the most memorable activity today:

      It was the balloon tag. It was faun and engaging activity. Although it was difficult task to compete against the other team, we all had a lot of fun.

      How do you feel when you work with your new classmates:

      I felt nice to work with them as I like to work with new people and work with them and getting to know them well at the same time.

     Are your classmates co-operative? Why? :

     Yes, mostly. We won most of the games in The Amazing Race due to excellent co-operation and understanding between us.

    What is your role to play in this community:

    My role is to actively listen to others, as well as, express my own point clearly to others. Another role is to engage in the reflections conducted by the PSLs too.



Day 1 Reflctions

       My first impression of SST:

       I think as a start, SST is a school which allows every student to express his/her opinion freely. It also allows all students to learn in a whole new way through the Mac Book. As a first impression I find SST a very good school.

     My goal as a SST student:
      My goal as a SST student will be to strive through the usage of applied learning which only a few schools offer. I also want come out on top through the tough competition I will face in SST as every student here is very competitive.

     What I would like to know about my friends:

      I would like to know what they are strong in. Eg: Mathematics, sports, etc

     What makes SST a community:

      The bonding between the students themselves and the teachers is very strong in SST. There is also a bonding between students and the latest technology which all students use.

     What is so different about this community:

     In the SST community, the bonding between everyone in the school is very strong and all students are called young ladies and gentlemen. We are also treated like young ladies and gentlemen too.


Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Creating my FIRST very own blog.

             Well, creating this blog was really very special for me. It was my first assignment as a SST student! At first I encountered a few difficulties but I was helped out in both school and at home. In SST, almost everything is done through the medium of technology so using Blogger would be an excellent way to keep in touch with my classmates and teachers. It is also a great way to remind each other of the homework assigned.

I chose this picture because SST was my dream school in which I had always longed to go. By getting the confirmation slip I felt exuberant and very excited to go there.