Monday, 29 October 2012

CBL Camp

Day 1:
We advertised a 2-sided hook. The audio and directory were pretty good and clear. That did ensure clarity for the viewer to get a better idea of what the product is capable of. The cost was not mentioned and it was only later when we realised the importance when everyone wanted to buy one of the product. Our focus was on showing the audience what the product can do. I also learnt that we should be creative as one of the teams made a very good video based on a simple product.
This our video:                                                             What we could have improved in our video was that we could have added more text and the price.             What  I have learnt and how to overcome difficulties. I learnt that we have to be creative in our critical thinking.
This the product we worked on!
A value my group worked on on Day 2!

Overall reflection:
I have picked some very good advise from the instructor on how to tackle problems in very effective ways. Through these methods like documentation and evaluation, I can now tackle problems which seem insolvable. I have learnt how to pick out important information and try to come up with creative ideas. The connection of this to my life will be that, now I will be able to solve problems easily within the deadline and effectively as well. This will aid me greatly when I go up to Sec 3 and beyond as I will have to start doing very important projects and management things. In order, to finish them, I will be required to be effective. The next steps to do will plainly be practicing and experimenting the ideas in projects to get experience which will be very valuable. 

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